Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Student Built Aquaponic Systems from Scratch

Building Aquaponic Systems in a 9th Grade Biology Class at AIM Academy 

Students Creating Herbariums in Biology

The study of trees can happen in many ways. Traditional construction of an herbarium is a worthwhile effort for students of all abilities, especially those that are building their executive function skills. 
 These students are studying trees that thrive near Philadelphia. In addition we studied a few sea weeds from the west coast. 

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Schooling fish art project in action

These pictures show students working on their schooling fish projects. They have their computers close to their art work because they are trying to keep the design and color as close to correct as possible. 

Creaturecasts fish videos in the making

Making fish videos called Creaturecasts in 9th grade Biology. 
Students are asked to make a 1 min to 1 min 30 sec video explaining some part of fish anatomy. They must feature their own artwork and tell a story that includes vocabulary about the topic they are explaining. 

The students on this video are using several forms of technology to create their project including their computers, the overhead projector, their phones to take photos or video befor they start uploading the project to iMovie. 

Schooling Fish - Art influenced by research

The projects featured here are made by high school students in a 9th grade Biology class who were asked to research fish that swim in schools. Students then outlines their fish in cardboard and then cut them out using the cl scroll saw and then added color with pastel chalk as close to anatomically correct as possible. 

This completed Tarpon was drawn on a 4 foot piece of cardboard by a student that will barely read and write. She is able but resists it. This was a beautiful project showing her skills which other wise were hidden.